For newly admitted students
Information for PhD students
Welcome at the faculty! We have summarised some information that might help you navigate your new studies.
Useful links
doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for doctoral studies -
+38903 6295
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C, Parasitology, 2nd floor, door CH 02 045
Bc. Václava Bláhovcová
assistant to the Vice-Dean -
+420 389 032 707
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C, Parasitology, 2nd floor, door CH 02 045
Student administrators
Ivana Voldřichová
doctoral study - Czech students -
+38903 2262
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A, 2nd floor, Department of Student Affairs, office 312
Bc. Petra Korcová
doctoral study - International Students -
+38903 2263
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A, 2nd floor, Department of Student Affairs, office 311A
Frequent shortcuts
USB | University of South Bohemia |
Fsc USB | Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia |
IS/STAG | Internet application of study agenda |
DSP | Doctoral study programme |
ISP | Individual study plan |
DT | Dissertation thesis |
SB | Specialist board |
RVHP | Internal evaluation board/Rada pro vnitřní hodnocení |
GA USB/GA JU | Grant agency USB/Grantová agentura Jihočeské univerzity |
GA ČR | Czech Science Foundation/Grantová agentura České republiky |
SGA | Student grant agency |
Here you can find academic calendar to the current academic year.