Support of science at the Faculty of Science
Research office
Broadcasts information about calls: project applications, competitions and nominations for awards
Receives, checks and submits grantové applications and reports(GA ČR, TA ČR, projects of Czech Ministries)
Keeps documentation of grant projects and treaties
Economic grant servis
Prepares grant treaties, provides economic check-up of project matters (in both cases the primary contact for investigators is the Research Office)
Monitors spending of financial resources, helps in making purchases and payments in agreement with the rules
Project office
Administration of EU projects and other international (including cross-border) projects
Project monitoring
Grant support at FSc USB/ USB
GA JU team projects: call once in three years, support of doctoral students' teams
GA JU individual projects: support of individual doctoral students (each, year, applications till mid-October)
Student grant agency (SGA FSc USB): support of bachelor and master students (applications till the end of November)
Postdoctoral positions
Financial support
Resources of departments for scientific activities based on the scientific performance of departments
Personal premium based on scientific performance of employees (monthly premium) and doctoral students (lump-sum premium stipend)
Bonus financial resources for scientific activities for project investigators (PIs, co-PIs) (in the amount proportional to the project dotation)
Rectorate's call for extra resources for science: typically support of the organisation of conferences and other activities, publishing of a book (application submission at FSc USB till the end of February) (CZ)
Support of publication costs at FSc USB: support of publishing in open access journals, books and other publication expenses
Technology Transfer Office of USB
Support for a co-operation of academic and commercial spheres
Support in intellectual property protection
Research bases
Svalbard (polar base)
Papua-New Guinea (tropic base, together with BC CAS)
Language support
1. English courses for students with a focus on the academic and scientific use
English for Science 1 (OJZ/525) - follows courses English for Academic purposes 1 (OJZ/310) and 2 (OJZ/320)
2. Course for students Academic Writing (OJZ/420)
3. Course for students Technical Writing (OJZ/650) (practising scientific English by writing papers in the field of expertise)
4. Course Doctor's English (OJZ/500)
5. Writing Clinic (free consultations to university students and staff to work individually with their language issues)